Weekly Protagonist: Marian
Today we want to introduce you to Marian, the protagonist and powerful woman of our weekly space.
When we asked Marian how she defined herself, she replied that she defines herself as:
Her project is not only a source of inspiration for us, but for all people with a physical disability.
We asked Marian to share a little bit about her project and story. Do you want to know more about it? Then keep reading!
Marian, why do you consider yourself a #ChicaTara?
Because I am a woman who is constantly learning, in a world that excludes me for not having the same opportunities as other people. My goal is to break pre-established molds and change the world by generating opportunities so that all people have the same opportunities to participate in society and create a more inclusive world. Through listening and loving families, working and collaborating as a team with my team, people who respect diversity and believe in what they do.”
Tell us about your project. What is Gaman?
Gaman is a project that promotes the creation of safe and quality hygiene services through the design and installation of inclusive changing tables designed for the most vulnerable social groups. Currently, people with great needs for support in personal hygiene do not have spaces adapted to our needs every time we have to go to the bathroom outside our homes. Standard accessible bathrooms do not have the basic support tools necessary for us to wash ourselves in a hygienic and dignified way. At Gaman we accompany entities to generate safe and quality hygiene services. Through the design and installation of Inclusive Changing Tables, especially in public and private spaces with a large influx of people.
And how is Gaman helping other people?
We met with two groups that benefited from Inclusive Changers.
On the one hand, people with functional diversity, who we will focus on needing support for daily activities. On the other hand, elderly people from 64 years old, since they increasingly need more support with hygiene or when changing clothes.
These two groups see their social participation limited by the lack of inclusive changing tables and put the health of their relatives and personal assistants at risk by having to make dangerous and heavy movements to move them. The ability of older people to relate to their environment, social support and integration in a world that may have a tendency to marginalize and stigmatize them becomes one of the fundamental aspects to live the aging process as a positive experience. By connecting with other people, isolation is overcome and their will to live increases and it can also place older people in a better position to defend their position and social role. With Inclusive Changing Tables, community participation of people is improved.
As you can see, Marian is a great example to follow and it is an honor that she is a #ChicaTara.