Two Master's Education Scholarships in AI – UDIT

In collaboration, Tara for Women and Udit, the University of Design and Technology, have joined forces to award two 100% Master's SCHOLARSHIPS to two exceptional women from our Tara community, valued at €10,000. 

The winners are: Sara Sebastián and Gadellys Rojas

Master's objectives:

  • Develop programs in programming languages ​​used in artificial intelligence, such as Python or R

  • Apply advanced optimization and regularization techniques to improve machine learning model performance.

  • Understand the market, its habits and needs for products or services in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

  • Develop image and object recognition systems using advanced AI techniques.

  • Apply natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to solve problems in natural language generation.

  • Analyze current trends in the field of AI.

  • Identify the ethical implications of AI and the importance of considering these aspects in its development and application.

  • Implement deep neural networks for AI problem solving.

They will award an official Microsoft certificate , thanks to the content worked on throughout the course,  Azure AI Fundamentals : Allows you to achieve the first level in the route generated by Microsoft for artificial intelligence engineers. It offers an overview of the implementation of the main artificial intelligence algorithms in Azure.

– The main differential values ​​are:  that it is an  official qualification, that a  Microsoft certification can be obtained and that the content of the subjects is updated, since the teachers currently work in the industry.


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