Sustainable Development Goals
Turn your passion into a purposeful project.
At Tara For Women, we’re driven by the potential of ideas that can change the world. We seek projects fueled by passion and defined by a clear goal: to make a substantial social impact.
Our inspiration comes from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a global blueprint to tackle the most urgent challenges facing humanity. These 17 goals encompass a broad spectrum of issues, ranging from eradicating poverty and hunger to advancing gender equality, climate action, peace, and justice, among others.
Peace and Partnerships
Are you ready to make a difference?
If your project aligns with any of these SDGs, you’re poised to contribute significantly to a more sustainable, just, and equitable world. For instance, by aligning with SDG 1 (No Poverty), your project can focus on empowering underprivileged communities and enhancing their living standards.
If gender equality is your passion, SDG 5 offers a platform to champion the empowerment of women and girls. Similarly, SDG 13, which focuses on Climate Action, enables you to tackle climate change issues and advocate for sustainable practices.
17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Find out how your project can become a milestone.
At Tara For Women, we offer the platform and resources needed to evolve your passionate idea into a reality with tangible impact.
If you’re committed to contributing to any of the SDGs and making a meaningful difference, we welcome you to join our community. We’re dedicated to tirelessly working towards these global goals. Together, we have the power to transform the world, one project at a time.
No Poverty:
Eradicating poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Zero Hunger:
Ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Good Health and Well-being:
Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.
Quality Education:
Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Gender Equality:
Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
Clean Water and Sanitation:
Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Affordable and Clean Energy:
Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.
Decent Work and Economic Growth:
Promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:
Building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation.
Reduced Inequalities:
Reducing inequality within and among countries.
Sustainable Cities and Communities:
Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
Responsible Consumption and Production:
Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Climate Action:
Taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Life Below Water:
Conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.
Life on Land:
Protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification, and halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss.
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions:
Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Partnerships for the Goals:
Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalizing the global partnership for sustainable development.