Premios Jóvenes Emprendedores Mashumano

Mashumano Young Entrepreneur Awards

Tara For Women has participated as a jury in the Mashumano Young Entrepreneur Awards. Tara will offer up to 6 months of access to the international mentoring network to one (1) entrepreneurial project led by women.

It has been a really difficult decision due to the quality of the projects presented, from here we would like to congratulate you all.

Finally, the project selected by Tara For Women has been CO2mpensamos, led by Nerea Achucarro:, for its direct, quantified impact, with the possibility of multiplying the social impact and transparency through technologies such as blockchain.

CO2mpensamos has developed its own application to calculate CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), which are produced in the daily activities of companies and individuals. Based on Spain’s energy mix, they calculate the real value (in euros) of CO2 at any given moment and use the EU ETS value (in euros) set by the European Union for CO2 trading.

From here, they offer a portfolio of projects located in their own marketplace, so that individuals or companies can donate the money (the % they want) resulting from the compensation of their carbon footprint in the projects that the donor wishes, including the blockchain.